Melancholy Greetings is a company producing greeting cards, but not in a traditional way of giving a message.
Problem: Being honest in a world where politeness thrives is increasingly complex. This becomes even more problematic when speaking the truth to those you love.
Solution: Being blunt with a playful, loving undertone can help to start well-needed conversations.
Target: Women aged 18-25 who enjoy poking fun at the obscurities in life. They are the well-read students and overachieving workers in society who keep it honest with themselves and the people around them. During their free time, they find comfort in books, snuggling with their pets, over-sharing on social media, and gathering with friends for hazy nights of fun that would be embarrassingly great memories if they could remember them. Not only do they know how to dish a low blow, but they know how to take one, as long as it comes from a loving place.
Insight/Truth: Only someone who cares about you will tell you the honest truth about yourself.
Concept: We highlight two women who live together and are good friends. Though they love one another, they see each other’s flaws. Bethany is a homebody who loves to cook, chat with her mother all day and night, and snuggle with her cats while updating her cat blog. On the other hand, Suzie works 55 hours a week, consumes nothing but fast food, and still finds time to party every night.
1) E-Greeting card apps
2) Social media ads - set of 4
3) Collectable stickers

Melancholy Greetings’ Tell ‘em App will give the opportunity to tell those loved ones the truth about themselves. The platform allows the user to select one of the images provided that reflects the message they want to give. Once an image is selected, they add their custom message and tag the person who needs to be told. The image can be shared on social media and saved to their devices.

Social media ad

social media placement

give away stickers

sticker stand design / point of sale
Art direction: Zakia Owens & Win Naing, Copy writing by Zakiya Owens, Graphic design and illustration by Win Naing. Student project for the City College of Technology, City University of New York, Fall 2016